The media center has Chromebooks that students and staff may borrow. A Chromebook is a small laptop that allows users to browse the Internet, use email, and create documents using Google Drive. You have to have access to a wifi connection to make all of this work.
If you want to borrow a Chromebook you must have a borrowing form signed by a parent or guardian and kept on file. The form is linked below. Just print, read, sign and return. Borrowers must be cautious when borrowing a Chromebook because it costs approximately $250.00.
A Chromebook may be borrowed for days or weeks at a time.
Borrow a Chromebook
The Campus Shop

The Campus Shop is our high school coffee shop. It was opened in October, 2008. Through generous donations and the hard work of many individuals, this idea has flourished. It is staffed and managed by our high school students.
The shop is open to students and staff daily from 7:40 a.m. to 2:40 p.m., the same hours as the media center.
The Campus Shop strives to be environmentally friendly. We charge $1.00 for coffee, tea and hot chocolate if customers supply their own cup, otherwise the charge is $1.25. The .25 cents is referred to as a green tax.
Iced coffee and a variety of snacks are also sold in the coffee shop.

Our book club meets about every two months. A book is chosen for the group to read and then later we meet to discuss the book while enjoying delicious snacks. All students and staff are welcome to attend.
If you would like to join sign-up to receive text messages with reminders about our meetings,
text: @chatc to 81010 book club is will start again soon.
Chat & Chew Book Club