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NoveList is a comprehensive readers' advisory solution for fiction lovers. With an intuitive interface and extensive proprietary content, NoveList answers the question: What should I read next?

Ever craved a good book and just not been inspired by anything you see? Or felt annoyed that you bought a book that was merely so-so? Or closed a book and JUST wanted to talk about it? Or wished you had a place to discover new books?
We know what this feels like. The Book Report Network aims to solve these reader dilemmas, with thoughtful book reviews, compelling features, in-depth author profiles and interviews, excerpts of the hottest new releases, contests and more every week. We hope you'll visit our websites and discover why since 1996 The Book Report Network has been the best place online to talk about your last great read --- and find your next one.
Book lists for teens prepared by the staff of the Ocean County Library.