General Reference
This database helps students develop both research and critical thinking skills while covering the spectrum of student focused subject matter. It provides reference articles, periodical and newspaper articles, primary sources, maps, graphs, video and audio content.
Users can instantly access periodical and reference content in multiple Gale databases from a single starting point while also cross-searching in the Gale Virtual Reference Library.
This encyclopedia is suitable for high school students. It provides articles, weblinks and over 1,100 world newspapers in 73 languages, representing 195 countries.
Provides exclusive, extensive coverage of hundreds of today's hot topics, with unbiased analysis and rich related resources.
Facts On File is an award-winning provider of research databases, eBooks, and other online reference materials for the high school, academic, and public library market. Its curriculum-based online products span core subject areas such as history, science, literature, geography, health, and more.

The Points of View Reference Center is an interface intended for public, academic, and high school libraries. Points of View is designed to assist researchers in understanding the full scope of controversial subjects.
Referencia Latina, a comprehensive Spanish-language database, offers content from a variety of sources including 49,000 encyclopedia entries; 50,000 images; 2,500 health reports; a Spanish-English dictionary and full text for over 100 reference books and dozens of general interest magazines in a broad array of subject areas.
Explora is designed specifically for its users, the interface supports student research and classroom instruction. The following are answers to frequently asked questions. Learn to use Explora by watching this tutorial.