Gale Student Resources in Context helps students develop both research and critical thinking skills while covering the spectrum of student focused subject matter. It provides reference articles, periodical and newspaper articles, primary sources, maps, graphs, video and audio content.
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, a virtual library of resources from Gale designed to aid students in the study of today's hottest social issues. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center is a flexible, comprehensive and beneficial search tool supporting high school and academic and public library research.

Science Online presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive definitions, essays, diagrams, biographies, and experiments.
Explora is designed specifically for its users, the interface supports student research and classroom instruction. The following are answers to frequently asked questions. Learn to use Explora by watching this tutorial.
Power Search users can instantly access periodical and reference content in multiple Gale databases from a single starting point while also cross-searching in the Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Green File research database provides scholarly, government and general-interest sources covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.